Smith Center, KS

1,539 Population
1.2 square miles 1,252.3 people per square mile

Census data: ACS 2022 5-year unless noted

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Population by age category

18 to 6453%
  • Under 18
  • 18 to 64
  • 65 and over

  • Male
  • Female

* Hispanic includes respondents of any race. Other categories are non-Hispanic.



Population by household type

Married couples61%
  • Married couples
  • Male householder
  • Female householder
  • Non-family

  • Married
  • Single
* Universe: Population 15 years and over

Women who gave birth during past year, by age group

* Universe: Women 15 to 50 years



* Universe: Population 25 years and over

Language at home, children 5-17

No data available

Language at home, adults 18+

No data available

* Civilian veterans who served during wartime only

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Citation: U.S. Census Bureau (2022). American Community Survey 5-year estimates. Retrieved from Census Reporter Profile page for Smith Center, KS <>