Hover for margins of error and contextual data.
Population by age category 18 to 64 68%
Under 18 18 to 64 65 and over
* Hispanic includes respondents of any race. Other categories are non-Hispanic.
* Universe: Workers 16 years and over
Population by household type Married couples 38%†
Married couples Male householder Female householder Non-family
* Universe: Population 15 years and over
* Universe: Women 15 to 50 years
Ownership of occupied units Renter occupied 60%
Owner occupied Renter occupied
Types of structure Multi-unit 64%
Single unit Multi-unit Mobile home Boat, RV, van, etc.
* Universe: Population 25 years and over
Language at home, children 5-17 No data available
Language at home, adults 18+ No data available
* Civilian veterans who served during wartime only
Hover for margins of error and contextual data.
Citation: U.S. Census Bureau (2023 ). American Community Survey 5-year estimates. Retrieved from Census Reporter Profile page for New London, CT <http://censusreporter.org/profiles/16000US0952280-new-london-ct/>