New York, NY

8,258,035 Population
300.5 square miles 27,484.9 people per square mile

Census data: ACS 2023 1-year unless noted

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* Universe: Population 25 years and over

Language at home, children 5-17

No data available

Language at home, adults 18+

No data available

* ACS 2023 5-year data

* Civilian veterans who served during wartime only; ACS 2023 5-year data

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This profile displays data from more than one ACS release. Charts not derived from ACS 2023 1-year data are noted with an *.

Citation: U.S. Census Bureau (2023). American Community Survey 1-year estimates. Retrieved from Census Reporter Profile page for New York, NY <>

Citation: U.S. Census Bureau (2023). American Community Survey 5-year estimates. Retrieved from Census Reporter Profile page for New York, NY <>