Table C17010B: Poverty Status of Families by Family Type by Presence of Related Children (Black or African American Alone Householder)

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Table C17010B

Table universe: Families with a householder who is Black or African American alone

Columns in this table

  • Total:
  • Income in the past 12 months below poverty level:
  • Married-couple family:
  • With related children of the householder under 18 years
  • Other family:
  • Male householder, no spouse present
  • With related children of the householder under 18 years
  • Female householder, no spouse present
  • With related children of the householder under 18 years
  • Income in the past 12 months at or above poverty level:
  • Married-couple family:
  • With related children of the householder under 18 years
  • Other family:
  • Male householder, no spouse present
  • With related children of the householder under 18 years
  • Female householder, no spouse present
  • With related children of the householder under 18 years