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Computers and Internet

Data on computer use and internet access from the ACS, and why it’s collected.


The ACS asks about computer use and internet access per household. The Census Bureau added these three questions in 2013 as part of the 2008 Broadband Improvement Act, which mobilized several federal agencies to collect information to support broadband expansion and access across the country.

Various kinds of computing devices fall under “computer”: desktop, laptop, smartphone, and tablet. Internet access is broadly categorized by cellular data, satellite, dial-up, and broadband connections.

Note that a household may have computing devices but no internet, or vice versa.

Code Title
B28001 Types of Computers in Household
B28002 Presence and Types of Internet Subscriptions in Household
B28003 Presence of a Computer and Type of Internet Subscription in Household
B28004 Household Income in the Last 12 Months by Presence and Type of Internet Subscription in Household
B28005 Age by Presence of a Computer and Types of Internet Subscription in Household
B28006 Educational Attainment by Presence of a Computer and Types of Internet Subscription in Household
B28007 Labor Force Status by Presence of a Computer and Types of Internet Subscription in Household
B28008 Presence of a Computer and Type of Internet Subscription in Household
B28009A Presence of a Computer and Type of Internet Subscription in Household (White Alone)
B28010 Computers in Household
B28011 Internet Subscriptions in Household
B28012 Age and Enrollment Status by Computer Ownership and Internet Subscription Status
Also available in racial iterations.